About HimmF

10 years before the Covid pandemic, I was investing time watching a tv show titled “How I met your mother”. It was a weekly comedy telling stories of how this young man found the mother of his children. Each episode, he would recount a story during his quest for his wife. One day while spending valuable time on the tv, Father God spoke to me: “Why not make me the center of your attention and gather stories about How I met my Father?” He had my attention. I shared this ‘vision’ with a few people and they all said it was a great idea.
Write a book, do a radio show… make a website, says my brother in law Dave Beaver. “This could be an outreach tool that will speak to the world.”
Pandemic sequestering happened, and brought about our gathering and spending time in the Word. (thanks, Paul Takahama) The fourth of the group appeared (Tadao Nakawatase), and we had more time on our hands. Pastor Housholder had just spoke about: "If you want to get something done, gather 4 people who will agree with your vision and go get it done (examples: Moses, Aaron, Mirriam, and Joshua; the Beatles; Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John; The Fantastic Four, etc…)
Father introduced me to a wonderful young computer science college student, Francisco Roque. On our first meeting over coffee, it was like meeting a relative for the first time. We shared our common love for the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we shared our knowledge of familiar kingdom family members, and connected in the Spirit. We also spoke of putting How I met my Father online. Utilizing his time and talent, Francisco helped launch www.howimetmyfather.com at the end of 2020
Going forward and collecting testimonies, we have discovered a variety of people, their loquacious nature, and their beautiful stories. The webmasters will tell you that the attention span of the world while on the web is about 2 minutes, our collected stories were averaging more than that with some lasting around 5 minutes and others up to 20 minutes. Listening to Father, we want to give an outline and instruction on what to say and how long to speak on How I met my Father
At HimmF, we strive to present information in a way that is both compelling and 100% credible. Claims by our speakers and writers should be true to the best of the speaker's understanding at the time, and should be based on information that has survived scrutiny by the Holy Spirit. Time limitation is 20 minutes maximum. Please bear in mind the attention span of the world on the web. All submitted testimonies will be reviewed by HimmF before posting.
This website is posted with the intention of sharing the beautiful nature of Father God to the world
The HImmF team,
Stan Kadowaki, Dave Beaver, Paul Takahama, Tadao Nakawatase, Francisco Roque
Fred Morisaki, Ron Morisaki, Glen Horiuchi, Bud Potter
HIMMF Canada Ambassadors
Brian and Meda Weir
HIMMF Japan Ambassadors
Brandon and Izumi Kuba
HIMMF Philippines Ambassadors
Allan and Venus Banzuelo